Download MP Board Class 12th Syllabus 2023-24 PDF


The Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh is responsible for conducting MP Board Examinations for Class 10th and 12th Boards and other school-based exams in MP. The MP Board was established in 1965 year. The city of Bhopal has the Headquarters of the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education. MPBSE conducts Class 10th and Class 12th for the next session in 2023-24.

So to help students of Class 12th, this article contains detailed knowledge of the MP Board 12th Syllabus 2023-24. The 12th Boards Students can directly click on the below link to download the MP Board Syllabus Class 12, 2023-24 and save it on your desktop for anytime access. Students can also find TBSE Class 12 Syllabus 2023-24 and other board’s syllabus.

MP Board Syllabus Class 12th: 2023-24

Students of Class 12th can download the MP Board Syllabus Class 12th 2023-24 from the below link.

MP Board Class 12 Science Syllabus 2023-24 Examination

Students can download MP Board Class 12 Science Syllabus 2023-24 PDF Links of the required subject in the science stream from the below link.

SubjectsMP Board 12th Science Syllabus 2023-24.
MathematicsPDF of Mathematics
PhysicsPDF of Physics
ChemistryPDF link of Chemistry
BiologyPDF link of Biology
GeologyPDF link of Geology
ForestryPDF link of Forestry

MP Board Class 12 Commerce Syllabus 2023-24 Examination

Commerce is one of the vital subjects of class 12th and maximum students over the nation enroll in the commerce stream. MP Board Class 11 Commerce Syllabus 2023-24 is divided into 3 main important subjects including Accountancy, Business Studies, and Economics.

SubjectsMP Board 12th Syllabus PDF
Elementary of Commerce and ManagementPDF of Elementary of Commerce and



Bookkeeping and AccountancyPDF of Bookkeeping and Accountancy
Applied Economics and Commercial



PDF of Applied Economics and


Commercial Geography

Steno TypingPDF of Steno Typing
Industrial OrganisationPDF of Industrial organisation
Business MathematicsPDF of Business Mathematics
Computer ApplicationPDF of Computer Application

MP Board Class 12 Arts Syllabus 2023-24 Examination

Students can download MP Board Class 12th Arts Syllabus 2023-24 PDF Links. Click on the required subject of the Arts stream and download it to your device for future access.

MP Board Class 12 Arts SubjectsMP Board 12th Arts Syllabus PDF
HistoryPDF of History
Political SciencePDF of Political Science
GeographyPDF of Geography
EconomicsPDF of Economics
Indian MusicPDF of Indian Music
DancingPDF of Dancing
Drawing and DesigningPDF of Drawing and Designing
PsychologyPDF of Psychology
Home Science, Anatomy, Physiology


and Hygiene

PDF of Home Science, Anatomy, Physiology


and Hygiene

SociologyPDF of Sociology
AgriculturePDF of Agriculture

Latest MP Board Class 12th Exam Pattern 2023-24

Students can check on the MP Board Class 12th Exam Pattern 2023-24 for better preparations for the MP Board 12th Exams.

Maximum Marks100
Time Duration3 Hours
Negative MarkingNo
Qualifying Marks33%

How to Download MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th 2023-24?

The Class 12th Students can follow the following steps to download the MP Board 12th Syllabus from the official website. Have a look at it:

Step 1: The student visit the MP Board’s official website (

Step 2: Find Academics, on the home page and click on it.

Step 3: After opening the new window of the Academics Page, Find a New NCERT Syllabus for Higher Secondary.

Step 4: Just by Clicking the above link, you will directly get the PDF link of the MPBSE 11th Class Syllabus 2023-24. You can download it easily or even take a printout of the same.

Important Tips to Use the MP Board 12th Syllabus 2023-24

The MP Board 12th syllabus can benefit students in various ways if used effectively. Here are a few essential suggestions to help students use the MP Board Class 12 syllabus.

  • Go through the syllabus first: The MP Board 12th curriculum must be read by the students before they can begin their preparations. They will understand the material more clearly as a result.
  • Analyze the chapters and topics: The MP Board 12th syllabus includes subject-specific chapters, and concepts students must study. They should know how much time they must give each chapter to perfect their preparations.
  • Aim to complete the syllabus by December: Students should try to finish the MP Board 12th syllabus at least three months before the exam. They will have plenty of time to prepare and examine as a result.

Benefits of Downloading MP Board Syllabus of Class 12th 2023-24

Students who wisely follow the MPBSE 11th Class Syllabus 2023-24 are the ones who know how to score good marks in the examinations 2023-24. Following are some of the benefits of MP Board 12th Class Syllabus 2023-24.

  • Read before you study: One of the primary tasks students can do is to have a look at the MP Board Syllabus Class 12th, 2023-24 thoroughly. As this will help students to go through every topic in detail to score very good marks in the final examinations.
  • Go Through Every Topic: Students of class 12th are suggested to go through all the important topics given in the MP Board Syllabus Class 12, 2023-24. Start your preparation with your tuff chapters first and study the easy chapters later.
  • Set Target: Students are supposed to set their targets for each book and chapter, try your best to complete the syllabus 2 months from the main board examinations.

How to Prepare for the MP Board 12th Exam?

Students can prepare for the MP Board 12th examination by following these simple steps of backward planning:

  • Set a Goal: Students have to start with a personal objective. It’s important to establish goals. This helps them in making strategic plans to reach their goal. Students need to hold themselves to a high standard when creating goals.
  • Make an Assessment: Students must determine how much time they have to complete their task. They can then make thoughtful plans because of this. The MP Board 12th timetable 2023–24 can be used to estimate their schedule.
  • Make a Plan: To achieve their objectives, students must create a solid action plan that they have to follow throughout. Students should study the MP Board 12th syllabus when planning to determine how much time they should allot for each chapter. They must develop a daily schedule to achieve an excellent MP 12th Board result of 20233-24.
  • Check Your Progress: Students have to evaluate their preparations’ strengths and track their progress. They must examine what is going well and what is not going well as they practice the MP Board 12th sample question papers.
  • Be Adaptive: After reviewing their achievements to date, students must consider what needs to be changed. To achieve their objective, they must work on their areas of weakness and make the required changes and corrections.


Students can download MP Board Class 12th Syllabus from the given links in the article. The MP Board Syllabus mainly focuses on the books to make them student-friendly and helpful for the students of class 12th. I Hope this detailed MPBSE 12th Class Syllabus 2023-24 helps in your preparation, and just by reading the books, you can easily crack the exams, even competitive exams, with flying colours


    Q1. Where Can Students Download the MP Board Syllabus Class 12th 2023-24?

    Students can download MP Board Syllabus Class 12th from the official website of MP Board and also from this page from the above link.

    Q2. In which month MP board exams 2023-24 will be conducted?

    MP Board all main exams will be conducted in the month of March next year 2023-24.

    Q3. How much time should a 12th student devote in studies for preparation of MP Board Class 12th Exam 2023-24?
    Student should study for atleast 5-7 hours in a day to score pretty well in the board examinations